“Pinched fer Speeding” – Be Unstoppable!

Ralph (Final)On Ralph Charles’ 101st birthday, I flew out to Somerset, Ohio to document a minor-miracle. The lesson learned was worth it’s weight in diamonds. 
On this day, Ralph planned to fly his airplane. As a flight instructor, my skeptical meter pegged redline. Century-old humans simply don’t fly.But after meeting Ralph’s 90 year-old hottie, seeing him race around on his John-Deer tractor-mower, and amble down to his basement theater and belt out inspirational renditions on a massive pipe organ, I figured I better stow the prejudice.Good thing. When it came time to kiss the sky, Ralph did more than just fly the plane. He finessed it. From his safety-conscious preflight, to perfect take off, turns, and even mild aerobatics, the man was one with his machine. Yet most intriguing was his confident, low-key demeanor.

Ralph Charles at 101

Here was a guy who flew an airplane called “Blue Boy”, dated a girlfriend named “Toots”, repaired and maintained his own 25-acre airport, had rubbed elbows with Charles Lindbergh…and a guy named Oroville.

Although Ralph appeared bionic, he was just a regular guy with challenges, successes, setbacks, goals and desires, just like you and me. The only difference was in his outlook and execution of his regular guy gifts. His owner’s manual apparently didn’t include a “Limitations” chapter.

Indeed, Ralph’s strength seemed to emanate from his lack of self-doubt. Want to transcend your your limitations? Here’s the key to the trove: don’t cage yourself in a tiny confidence box. In other words, many of your greatest opportunities will live or die on the strength of one question: Do you have the courage to live life on your terms?Take the shot. Don’t prejudge or disqualify yourself. If someone should try and knock you down to size, as mentioned in our last post, say “sayonara!” With slow but brutal persistence you’ll find yourself becoming more confident…and bionically unstoppable.
The last telephone conversation I had with Ralph occurred just before his 103rd birthday. Seemed his day was “not so hot.” While out driving with Toots, he got “pinched fer speedin”. And of course no wallet. But no problem. Ralph apologizes, convinces the cop to follow him back the farm…and shows the license.No problem. No worries. No limits.You’ve already got what it takes to be unstoppable. Develop the  confidence, get on the runway, take off…and have fun along the way.